
Sigmund Freud, 1856-1939 This picture forms pa...

Sigmund Freud, 1856-1939 This picture forms part of an initiative to create a repository of psychology images that can be freely used in psychology presentations, projects, lectures, dissertations, books etc. If you would like to use any of the pictures, all I ask is that you include the following information. Image(s) provided courtesy of http://www.all-about-psychology.com/ (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The profound fascination of memory of past experience
and the double aspect of this fascination—^its irresistible
lure into the past with its promise of happiness and pleasure, and its threat to the kind of activity, planning, and
purposeful thought and behavior encouraged by modern
western civilization—^have attracted the thought of two men
in recent times who have made the most significant modern
contribution to the ancient questions posed by the Greek
myth: Sigmund Freud and Marcel Proust.
Both are aware of the antagonism inherent in memory,
the conflict between reviving the past and actively participating in the present life of society. Both illuminate the
nature of this conflict from different angles. Proust, the
poet of memory, is ready to renounce all that people usually
consider as active life, to renounce activity, enjoyment of
the present moment, concern with the future, friendship,
social intercourse, for the subUme happiness and profound
truth recaptured in the most elusive of all treasures that
man has hunted for, the “Remembrance of Things Past.”
He pursues this conflict between activity and memory into
its most subtle manifestations. He knows that, as the awakening dreamer may lose the memory of his dream when
he moves his limbs, opens his eyes, changes the position of
his body, so the slightest motion may endanger and dispel
the deep pleasure of the vision of the time in Combray,
recaptured by the flavor of the madeleine, or the image of
Venice conjured up by the sensation and the posture which
the unevenness of the pavement in the court of the Guermantes town house brought to him as the unevenness of
the pavement of San Marco had years ago

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